Loudreaders Session 38

(From Land Grab to LandBack)

Gabriela Leandro

September 26, 2023 10:00am CT

Gabriela Leandro Pereira
Gabriela Leandro Pereira (PHd) is a professor and researcher at the School  of Architecture and at the Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism at Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA). She is a member of the Grupo de Estudos Lugar Comum [Common Place Research Group] and coordinates the Grupo de Estudos Corpo, Discurso e Território [Body, Discourse and Territory Study Group], at UFBA. Her research and investigations focuses on narratives, histories, memories and epistemologies produced about the city, urbanism, architecture and their erasures, intersected by the debate of racialities and gender. In 2017, she won the Theses Award from the National Association for Graduate Studies and Research in Urban and Regional Planning that resulted in the publication of the book "Corpo, discurso e território: Cidade em disputa nas dobras da narrativa de Carolina Maria de Jesus" ("Body, discourse and territory: City in dispute in the narrative folds of Carolina Maria de Jesus"), in 2019. Gabriela works as a guest editor in specialized journals such as the Brazilian Journal of Urban and Regional Researchers and Journal ABPN - Brazilian Association of Black Researchers. In partnership with journalist Bianca Santana, in 2021, she coordinated the course "Makers of Black Memories", offered by Casa Sueli Carneiro, where she is a counselor. In 2022, she participated in the 13th International Biennial of Architecture of São Paulo, with the work "Herança + O fabuloso inventário das Obras do meu Avô" ("Heritage + The Fabulous inventory of the work of my grandfather), co-authored with Maria Leandro Pereira.